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Why You Need Business Mentors

  • Written by News Co

When you start your own business, there is so much to cover at once, and it can get quite overwhelming. Since you're your boss now, there's no one to tell you what to do, and you have to make so many decisions on your own. It doesn't matter if you have consultants to help you with certain aspects of the business; in the end, all responsibilities are yours.

In this situation, it would help to have a business mentor to help sound you out on these crucial decisions. Your finance partners, friends, and maybe even your employees can and will help, but having a mentor is different. You can find one you can trust and rely on such as Cherry Black, you have a big chance of success.

Why You Need Business Mentors

Here are a few compelling points to convince you why you need business mentors.

You can benefit from their experience. 

Successful entrepreneurs didn't always start that way; they were once rookies with startups like you are now. This means that they have done everything you're doing at the moment and everything you're about to do as well. Therefore, they can share what may work for your business, based on what they've previously gone through. Learning from their mistakes means you can avoid these and planning your strategies becomes easier.

You can meet the right people. 

Networking is a significant aspect of running a business. Business mentors already know which supplier is the most reliable and can recommend potential business contacts and possible investors.

You can rely on a second opinion. 

When you have to make a difficult decision and are unsure of your current standpoint, you can ask a business mentor what they would do in your place. Whether you take their advice or not, you can look at the problem from a different perspective and find the answer you need.

You will hold yourself accountable to your business mentor. 

You're a business owner, and you don't have a boss. That's great, but having only yourself to answer to during times of difficulty can be dangerous for your business. Having no one to answer to can lower the bar you set for yourself and compromise your goals, particularly when times are tough. In moments when you feel like giving up, remembering who you might be disappointing can turn your motivation around.

You will have someone to rely on. 

Moral support is just as important as financial and intellectual support. When a business mentor takes someone under their wing, they don't do so lightly. They often believe that you can reach your goals and encourage you at every opportunity.


When you have a business mentor whom you admire and respect, you will want to impress them with what you can do after all the coaching and encouragement they have given you. With that set in your mind, you will find yourself working even harder and pushing through. As your confidence builds, so will the growth of your business. With a business mentor behind you, you may be seeing the returns of your investment very soon.